gereja motael bahasa Inggris
- gereja: church; kirk; church buildings; church
- gereja: church; kirk; church buildings; church (congregation); church (building); abbey; mosque; temple; church building; chapel; church-building; house of worship; place of worship; synagogue; sinagogue
- dewan gereja-gereja asia: christian conference of asia
- dewan gereja-gereja sedunia: world council of churches
- gereja-gereja independen tiongkok: chinese independent churches
- gereja-gereja katolik timur: eastern catholic churches
- gereja-gereja maria katolik: catholic marian church buildings
- anggota gereja: churchman
- apsis gereja: apse
- arsitektur gereja: church architecture
- bangku gereja: pew
- bapa gereja: church fathers
- bunda gereja: mother of the church
- burung gereja: old world sparrow; sparrow
- doktor gereja: doctor of the church; church doctors; doctors of the church; doctor
- On 28 October, Indonesian troops had located a group of resistance members in Dili's Motael Church.
Pada 28 oktober 1991, tentara Indonesia menempatkan sekelompok anggota perlawanan di Gereja Motael.